Lymphatic Drainage

Massage Therapist: 135€
Master Therapist: 149€

  • Our trained massage therapist uses gentle, rhythmic strokes to stimulate the lymphatic vessels and encourage the flow of lymphatic fluid. This can help to reduce swelling and inflammation, improve circulation, and boost the immune system. Lymphatic massage is often used to treat conditions such as lymphedema, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • This technique combines firm pressure and fast rhythm with pumping and exclusive manoeuvres. All together, it produces immediate results.

    • It reduces edema, activates blood flows and boosts a complex network of vessels which transports fluids throughout the body, which contributes to reducing the dreaded cellulite.

    • As a result, the body benefits from a reduction in swelling and gains a better defined and slimmer contour. In addition the massage accelerates its metabolism and enjoying well-being.

This lymphdrainage technique combines firm pressure and fast rhythm with pumping and exclusive manoeuvres. All together, it produces immediate results.

It reduces edema, activates blood flows and boosts a complex network of vessels which transports fluids throughout the body, which contributes to reducing the dreaded cellulite. As a result, the body benefits from a reduction in swelling and gains a better defined and slimmer contour. In addition the massage accelerates its metabolism and enjoying wellbeing.

Reduce swelling and slim

You’re in safe hands


  • Lymphatic drainage therapy is a gentle massage technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system, promoting the removal of toxins and waste from the body, reducing swelling, and boosting overall well-being.

  • The massage uses rhythmic, light pressure to encourage the movement of lymph fluid through the lymphatic vessels. This helps to remove excess fluid, enhance immune system function, and reduce inflammation.

  • Lymphatic massage reduces edema, activates blood flow and strengthens the blood vessels that transport fluids through the body. Reshape Deluxe is a mixture of exclusive manoeuvres applied in the lymphatic drainage and the shaping massages from Irismar. It works like an instant manual liposculpture, his unique massage reduces puffiness, optimizes the figure and transforms the texture of the skin.

  • Lymphatic drainage can help reduce swelling, improve circulation, enhance immune response, relieve stress, aid in detoxification, and support post-surgery recovery.

  • No, lymphatic drainage is a gentle and non-invasive therapy.

  • The number of sessions required varies depending on individual goals and conditions. Some clients notice improvements after just one session, while others may benefit from a series of sessions for more lasting effects. It also depends on your metabolism and lifestyle.

  • No, discounts cannot be used with vouchers.

  • All discounts are applied at the Studio at the time of payment.

  • Cancellations with less than 24hrs will be charged at 100%.

Ready to reduce swelling and slim?

Lymphatic Drainage massage reduces swelling, improves blood circulation, and enhances the efficiency of the body's fluid transportation system. This contributes to minimizing the appearance of cellulite and provides a more defined and slimmer contour. Furthermore, the massage boosts metabolism and promotes overall well-being.

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